Sunday 28 April 2013

4 Roles of Chat Marketing

4 Roles of Chat Marketing

We know that by useing 4 roles we should make a successfull chat marketing for our site. Thias are

                                                    01. Make friends.                                       
                                       02. Give regular post and update profile.
                                       03. Create grope.  
                                       04. Create fan page.

Now we learn more details about this things. 

01. Make  Friends : 
                                Making friends is the most important for chat marketing. By joining any social  networking site we make friends in our network. When we make friends in this site we share our thoughts, we know there social activity and we makes connect to them. For that we use it for chat marketing. So when join any site we send more and more friend request to make friends. When any body accept your friend request thank him and write this thank post in her wall post, for that they other friends of this man are follow you. 

02. Regular Post :
                              Regular posts is the most important for chat marketing. By writing regular post we send information to our friends and groups. When you give very attractive, good and interesting post every body ride your posts, and this time if you give your site link it help to make easy for chat marketing. So always try to give posts to related in your service. 

03. Create Grope:
                               By this we promote our site.So when we create any grope we try to make it  to related our site . After complete  to create a group, we send e-mail to the grope members, it help  us for our site marketing.

04. Create Fan Page:
                                     By fan page we write about our site directly. So it's make a good step for our site marketing.

Friday 19 April 2013

Chat Marketing

Chat Marketing

      Chat marketing is very useful system to make our sites popular and raise visitors in our sites. We also called it social site marketing. In internet social networking sites are more famous and popular, in all other sites.  By this you find more & more friends and makes relationship with other people in online. For that we make discourse and conversation for our thoughts. So by using this properly, we promote our sites in world wide. But there is a question how we use email marketing and how it done. 

         The ans is very simple, we join any social network sites and we make so many friends on this site some times we make hundred to thousand friends on this sites. For that when we give there any web address they must go in there for that we found more and more visitors. We also found more visitors by them because when we give any message or post for them if they like it or they satisfy for this site, they told about it to the other friends of them. In this way we make more visitors. There are so many social networking sit in this world like Facebook, Google plus, My space, hi5, Twitter, flicker, ibibo etc.

         For chat marketing we must follow some rules. The rules are 

                                                    01. Make friends.

                                                   02. Give regular post and update profile.

                                                   03. Create grope.

                                                    04. Create fan page.

          By follow this roles we make a good and successful chat marketing for our site.

Saturday 13 April 2013

Manual E-mail Marketing

Manual E-mail Marketing

In previews lesson we that E-mail marketing is a very important for make more visitors. So hare we see how we done e-mail marketing. First we see how we done manual e-mail marketing.

For manual E-mail marketing, sign in your G-mail account and click “Compose”.

Now, write your e-mail address in the box of “To” and right the e-mail addresses recipients  in the box “BCC”. Look it, when you want sand a email in too many addresses in this time you do this in one time. By write this addresses in together. For that when you write the e-mail addresses do not give any space, only use ( , ).  For example, "S**,A**,B**" in this way we write the email addresses. In this way you send mail in more than 50 addresses at a time. Now  type your massage in massage box. Then click “Send”

After that a notification comes.

In this way you send e-mail many more addresses in a moment. And also send E-mail thousand of peoples in very short time and it help you to make more visitors for that you earn more money.

N.B: many times for security rezones & optimization the structure of the site cannot mach to the picture. For that follow the site instructions.